miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

University Life

University Life
This year I have started my first year at university and I want to talk about this.
Last year I was very worried about everything (it was a very stressful year for me). I had to study a lot: the first quarter I have failed a subject (and I have never failed a subject) and I was very worried about my PAU notes. That’s why I’ve studied a lot, I didn’t go out with my friends( I only went out for my friends birthday); When I finally had my PAU exams I realized that it wasn’t so difficult and I had quite acceptable marks  and I achieved   to get into university.
In September I moved here. My first day at the residence was very strange. I had to organize my room, because the following day I was supposed to begin university.   At night I had dinner with my friend (because she is living in the same residence with me) and I prepared myself for the next day. On Monday I didn’t know where should I go, and furthermore there were some classroom problems so I get crazy. Finally I found my class and I met some of my classmates (some of them were living in the same residence as me). Slowly we were meeting each other and know I get on very well with the people from the class, and of course, I get on well with the people from the residence. I have more confidence with the people from the residence because I live with them 24 hours at day.
The third week living at the residence veterans prepared to beginners hazing. First we were a bit worried about what veterans would do to us, but I have to recognize that I had a lot of fun and thank hazing I met even more people.
Coming at university had a lot of good things. For example: I’m from Zaragoza so I have to stay here almost all the time and that make me be independent. I don’t have my mother to cook me or to wash my clothes, so from the beginning I had to learn to do all this things. I have to clean my room (but this is a thing I always had to do at home too) and I had to worry about food, cleaning products… This is a thing I really appreciate, because I became more aware about how to live alone, I became more responsible and I understand my mother better.
Of course there are some bad things, and the bad thing is the money. I have learned to appreciate this more. I had to learn to manage the money, because I had to buy a lot of things (food, books…) and sometimes I bought some things I didn’t really need(  I have to recognize that the things I bought were clothes) and then  I had less money for the things I really need. But in general I think I manage the money very well and I learned to prepare some real good food so I’m very proud of myself.
I like university life because I have my own independence and I learn how to defend myself in real life.

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