jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010


Today is the last day I stay here in Castellon; tomorrow begin Christmas holidays and I would go back to Illueca. I usually go by train with my friend Maria, but tomorrow we will go with a friend from the residence who lives in Huesca; he is going to leave us in Zaragoza and there Maria’s brother will pick us and take us to Illueca. Everybody is leaving now to their houses and there are people who had already left. The residence looks very strange without people in. Christmas holidays won’t be the same as all these last years, because now I would have to study a lot, but anyway I suppose I would have some fun this Christmas Holidays too.
The other day I found on the Internet a Coca-Cola advertisement which I saw when I was little and I liked it a lot so I decided to hang it on the blog. I hope you like it.
Happy Christmas to everybody!

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