martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010


It’s Christmas time.
 Soon is going to be Christmas and everybody is buying gifts. All brands are trying to attract customers who sail its products. On TV we can see every day lots of different adverts of all kind of products.  These days, perfume adverts become common on television. Despite being a nuisance, there are some adverts I really like and today I’m going to talk about them.
 First I want to mention Chanel Coco Mademoiselle. I think this advert is very elegant; in my opinion the music is a very good choice (the singer is Joss Stone and the song is called L O V E, which is just an interpretation of the real song singed by Nat King Cole). In this case the model is not a real model; it is the actress Keira Knightley. I really liked the advert when I first saw it.
The second advert I want to talk about is, Chanel again, but this time I’m going to talk about Chanel Nº 5.  Once again the model is an actress; this time is Nicole Kidman the advertisement mean character. This announcement is considered by advertisers a piece of art.  In every shot appears something which is related with Chanel (Coco Chanel, the symbol of the marc…). This advert was inspired by the movie Moulin Rouge.
All this advertisements are very nice, but we have to be realistic: they just try to make us by the product. At Christmas time, everywhere we go, we can see lots of announcement about every little thing which exist, but we have to know how to manage the money.  Toy stores are the most beneficial. At this time children always want a lot of toys and parents  give to their children everything they want of course.  But not only the children have presents; older aged people want presents too, and this gifts are more expensive and more consumer than children presents. If we go to a mall these days we can see a lot of people buying play stations, computers, blackberry…  I think people have forgotten the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas time is for have the family together once again; to spend a little time with all of them. Instead of this, lots of people from the same family argue or they don’t even talk with each other, but they have their own plasma TV, or their new mobile phone…I don’t think all this material thinks make people happy, and they should appreciate more the meaning of having a family.

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