domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Costume Party

Costume Party
Yesterday we had a costume party. A boy from the residence organized it. The party started at 6 PM and the party theme was the Wild West (I was dressed like an Indian).I and my friends were dressed like Indians and one of theme was dressed like the sheriff.  The Indians group we put a name to our tribe (the name was Daschkov, because this is the name of the boy who helped us to make our dress) and each one of us had an Indian name; my name was Lluvia Seca, Isa’s name was Río Abajo, Belén’s name was Montaña Arriba and Cristina’s name was Madre Naturaleza, because she was the chief.
We had a very good time, but there were some problems too. Somebody spilled down a glass and the liquid fell down above the play station. The boy who prepared the party gets very upset and at 10 PM everybody had to leave the room. We went to another  house and there the party continued. After being there, we decided to go to a club; we called 5 taxis to go to that club, but only arrived one taxi so we had to wait a lot on the street until taxis at least arrived.
We stayed all night long in that club and then we came back to the residence. It was a nice night; I hadn’t gone out here for a couple weeks and I really enjoyed going out with the people I met here.
 I like costumes parties a lot. My friends and I dressed up every year for carnival. One year we dressed up like billiard balls. I was the green ball. Each one of us was a different colour. We also made the table and the skittles. Unfortunately there were a lot of people into the bars so we couldn’t get into bars with the table, so we had to break the table’s legs. The following year we disguise of mechanical. We all had a blue jumpsuit, we get a real wheel and we also prepare a box with tools and we spotted the face with black paint to look like oil. Last year we disguise as Indians, but this time we bought the dress, because we hadn’t has the time to prepare our own dress. The last time I went at home I wanted to bring the costume here in Castellon but I forgot it in Illueca, that’s why I had to buy a piece of cloth to make the Indian costume.

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