domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Surprise Party

Surprise Party

I’m going to talk about how to prepare a surprise party. Today is my friend birthday and this week I was preparing her party. I and some people from the residence organized everything.
First of all we went to buy her a present.  We bought her a very beautiful bag and a pair of socks. Yesterday we went to buy the cake (we bought a cheesecake, because my friend loves it) and the cotillion and everybody said to her that we were not going to go out. My friend stayed alone all the day and at a quarter past twelve we went to her room. We gave her cake with eighteen candles and the gift. We ate the cake (it was delicious) and we stayed a little with her. I, Belen and Isa made our costume, because today we are going to a costume party, and when we have finished we went to our rooms.
I hope my friend like the surprise

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