jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010


Today I’m going to talk about concerts. People get always crazy when they saw they’re favorite group or singer. In all the shows I have been is always the same: long lines to have the best place, everybody is pushing, excitement for seeing the artist…
The first concert I have gone was Natalia’s concert. Natalia came to Illueca, the village where I live. I can not say I like how she sings, but I was little, I went with all my friends and I had a really good time. The following year I have seen Pignoise, because they came to Illueca too. Pignoise is another group I don’t like, but anyway I went to the concert…The last group I saw in Illueca was Despistaos, I don’t like this music neither, but I was just to have some fun with my friends.
My first important concert was El Canto del Loco concert in Zaragoza. I remember that day rained a lot; we had to wait a lot until we could get into the pavilion.  I remember there were girls having fainting…
My second concert was El Canto del Loco concert once again, but this time we were waiting the group and when the car with the group arrived, the singer greets us. My best friend cried a lot (I have to say that we were younger and we loved El Canto del loco). I have seen this group two times, and now I don’t even like they’re music.
Another concert I went was Pereza concert.  Two friends of mine were supposed to go to the concert, but one of them got ill and I went instead of her to Pereza concert. I had a lot of fun to that concert.
The last concert I went was Two Door Cinema Club concert. I saw them in my trip to Barcelona. We went to Razzmatazz, which is a very big club in Barcelona, and we saw Two Door Cinema Club playing. I didn’t know this group and I went to the concert without knowing any song of them, but I have to say that I had a lot of fun.
The concert begun at 2 AM and lasted an hour.  People got crazy, I had never seen something like that, but it was great. Two Door Cinema Club are an alternative, indie rock band formed in 2007.
I like going to concerts very much; I have always had a lot of fun and I hope soon will go to music festivals, because a lot of people told me that is very amusing.

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