viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Exchange Program

Exchange Program
The last year I have been at high school I worked in an exchange program. Nine girls of the last year group were studying French (one of them was me). My French teacher worked very hard to make our high school part of such an important program. Finally the exchange program accepts our high school and we were into that program. In April last year a group of French and polish people came to the high school. Each one of them had to stay at house of one of us. In November people from my school went to Poland. French people should have gone too, but finally they didn’t go and in April this year Polish and other people from my school should go to France.
The day when Polish and French people arrived to Illueca was very strange. French people were dressing in shorts and T-shirts and in April in Spain is steel cold. The girl who stayed in my house is called Magda. She was a polish girl. Magda was vegetarian and her father was Arabic. I get on very well with her. She is such a nice person; now I’m steel talking with her. Her boyfriend came to Illueca too and it was very funny, because the first day I saw him I thought I was seeing Robert Pattinson, because he looked very similar to the actor.
Polish people were very kind and polite. They dressed well and my friends and I had a lot of fun with them.  French people were the opposite. They were very rude, they were always arguing with somebody. A friend of mine had a very special girl in her house; my French teacher called to her house to ask how things were going.
We made lots of activities with them. In the morning we had to go to high school and the exchange group was doing things too, but they were doing their activities with their own teachers.  One day they visit Zaragoza, but my friends and I couldn’t go, because we had to study for PAU exams; but we went with the exchange group to visit Madrid. We saw Prado museum and after that we had a tour round Madrid. Everything was very quick, because we only had one day to see all Madrid (obviously we couldn’t see it).  
The last day Polish people stay (the other group arrived to France before) we went with them to a bar and we showed them the typical Spanish food. I have to say that they didn’t like it very much. I and my best friend stayed near Polish people, and we ate that night a lot, because they didn’t eat very much.
That week was special for me, because I learned a bit more about another country and another culture (I learned to say some words in Polish). Now I have some good friends and I can’t wait to see them again.

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