lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010


Today I want to talk about friendship. Friends are very important in every step of our life. We don’t know how important are for us, until we lose them, or until we are too far from them.
When I was little I moved from Rumania to Spain. Now, I steel have a couple of very good friends, who I see every time I go to Rumania, but the thing that surprised me was that some of my class mates  steel remember me and always want to know how I am. That is a thing that makes me feel very happy. Even though we are not friends we steal talk with each other and we keep in touch.
When I came in Spain I met the girls who are my friends now. We are fourteen girls in my group. We get on very well, but sometimes we argue too. Anyway, I have to say that we are always there if one of us needs our help.
I get on very well with another three girls from my group. They are my best friends and I miss them very much. One is studying Publicity here in Castellon, but the other two are in Zaragoza. We have always been together and know I realized how important are in my life. I really miss them and I want them to come to visit me in Castellon as soon as possible. By now I will go back home for Christmas, so I will see them on holidays, but I’m sure they will come here to visit me next year  =D.
Another kind of friendship is the friendship which is growing up now here in Castellon.  This year I have met a lot of new people who is very nice. I have a lot of fun with them, and I can talk about everything with them, just like my friends from Zaragoza. When I knew I would come here to study, I wasn’t happy, because I didn’t like Castellon, but know I’m very glad of being here.
In my opinion friendship means understanding, tears, smiles…It don’t matter how far we are, we just have to call us and we will be there trying to make our friends feel better.

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