jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010


Today is the last day I stay here in Castellon; tomorrow begin Christmas holidays and I would go back to Illueca. I usually go by train with my friend Maria, but tomorrow we will go with a friend from the residence who lives in Huesca; he is going to leave us in Zaragoza and there Maria’s brother will pick us and take us to Illueca. Everybody is leaving now to their houses and there are people who had already left. The residence looks very strange without people in. Christmas holidays won’t be the same as all these last years, because now I would have to study a lot, but anyway I suppose I would have some fun this Christmas Holidays too.
The other day I found on the Internet a Coca-Cola advertisement which I saw when I was little and I liked it a lot so I decided to hang it on the blog. I hope you like it.
Happy Christmas to everybody!

Disney Pictures

Disney Pictures
I know it may sound childish, but today I’m going to talk about Disney pictures.  Disney pictures started to be created in the 20’s. Since then, everybody, children and not so children, enjoy watching Disney cartoons.  Everybody remembers Goofy, Pluto, Mickey Mouse…we all (my grandparents, my parents and I) grow up with them. I like very much these cartoons, I always cry when I watch them. Below I’m going to talk about some of these cartoons.
The first feature film was Snow White and the seven Dwarfs. Its premiere was in 1938: but I want to talk about some of my favourites Disney pictures as Lady and the Tramp. Its premiere was in 1955 and the story is about two dogs which fall in love. The lady is a purebred dog whose family cares and loves and the tramp is a stray dog. One day the lady escape from her house and the stray dog take care of her; this is the moment where they fall in love. The two dogs marry each other and have little dogs.
Definitely my favourite Disney movie is The Lion King. Its premiere was in 1994. The movie is based on the tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The story is about a young lion which lives on the African savannah. The lion’s name is Simba and his father is the King of the African savannah. The songs of this film were composed by Elton John and Tim Rice; one of their songs won the Oscar prize. I always cry when I see this movie, I think it is so beautiful.
Now I’m going to talk about Disney princesses. Disney has some really good stories; these stories are about love, hate, the attempt to do harm to others, the triumph of good…       
For me one of the most emotional Disney pictures is Anastasia. This story is based on the true story   of the Russian royal family. The story is about the urban legend that the little Anastasia survived the execution of her family. In the movie, Anastasia survived, and with Dimitri and Vladimir, go to Paris to look for her grandmother. Anastasia and Dimitri fall in love with each other. I love this movie.
Another Disney movie which refers to friendship, love, prejudice...is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. This movie is inspired by Victor Hugo novel; the gargoyles which are Quasimodo friends are called Victor and Hugo as a tribute to the author.  Quasimodo is a boy in charge of ringing the church bells.   Esmeralda, who became Quasimodo’s friend, is a pretty gypsy girl who   falls in love with Febo.   Frollo is the bad person in this movie; he hates gypsy people and also hates Quasimodo because of his appearance.  In the end, everything gets right.    

Now I would like to talk about a movie called Ever After. This movie is inspires on Cinderella story. The plot of the movie is similar to the Disney story. Danielle de Barbarac (played by Drew Barrymore)    work as an employee in her own house since her father died; her step mother hates her, because her father loved her very much. One of the step sisters is kind with her, while the other one is very cruel to her. Danielle falls in love with Henry (played by Dougray Scott); together stage a beautiful love story.                             

domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Costume Party

Costume Party
Yesterday we had a costume party. A boy from the residence organized it. The party started at 6 PM and the party theme was the Wild West (I was dressed like an Indian).I and my friends were dressed like Indians and one of theme was dressed like the sheriff.  The Indians group we put a name to our tribe (the name was Daschkov, because this is the name of the boy who helped us to make our dress) and each one of us had an Indian name; my name was Lluvia Seca, Isa’s name was Río Abajo, Belén’s name was Montaña Arriba and Cristina’s name was Madre Naturaleza, because she was the chief.
We had a very good time, but there were some problems too. Somebody spilled down a glass and the liquid fell down above the play station. The boy who prepared the party gets very upset and at 10 PM everybody had to leave the room. We went to another  house and there the party continued. After being there, we decided to go to a club; we called 5 taxis to go to that club, but only arrived one taxi so we had to wait a lot on the street until taxis at least arrived.
We stayed all night long in that club and then we came back to the residence. It was a nice night; I hadn’t gone out here for a couple weeks and I really enjoyed going out with the people I met here.
 I like costumes parties a lot. My friends and I dressed up every year for carnival. One year we dressed up like billiard balls. I was the green ball. Each one of us was a different colour. We also made the table and the skittles. Unfortunately there were a lot of people into the bars so we couldn’t get into bars with the table, so we had to break the table’s legs. The following year we disguise of mechanical. We all had a blue jumpsuit, we get a real wheel and we also prepare a box with tools and we spotted the face with black paint to look like oil. Last year we disguise as Indians, but this time we bought the dress, because we hadn’t has the time to prepare our own dress. The last time I went at home I wanted to bring the costume here in Castellon but I forgot it in Illueca, that’s why I had to buy a piece of cloth to make the Indian costume.

Surprise Party

Surprise Party

I’m going to talk about how to prepare a surprise party. Today is my friend birthday and this week I was preparing her party. I and some people from the residence organized everything.
First of all we went to buy her a present.  We bought her a very beautiful bag and a pair of socks. Yesterday we went to buy the cake (we bought a cheesecake, because my friend loves it) and the cotillion and everybody said to her that we were not going to go out. My friend stayed alone all the day and at a quarter past twelve we went to her room. We gave her cake with eighteen candles and the gift. We ate the cake (it was delicious) and we stayed a little with her. I, Belen and Isa made our costume, because today we are going to a costume party, and when we have finished we went to our rooms.
I hope my friend like the surprise

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Exchange Program

Exchange Program
The last year I have been at high school I worked in an exchange program. Nine girls of the last year group were studying French (one of them was me). My French teacher worked very hard to make our high school part of such an important program. Finally the exchange program accepts our high school and we were into that program. In April last year a group of French and polish people came to the high school. Each one of them had to stay at house of one of us. In November people from my school went to Poland. French people should have gone too, but finally they didn’t go and in April this year Polish and other people from my school should go to France.
The day when Polish and French people arrived to Illueca was very strange. French people were dressing in shorts and T-shirts and in April in Spain is steel cold. The girl who stayed in my house is called Magda. She was a polish girl. Magda was vegetarian and her father was Arabic. I get on very well with her. She is such a nice person; now I’m steel talking with her. Her boyfriend came to Illueca too and it was very funny, because the first day I saw him I thought I was seeing Robert Pattinson, because he looked very similar to the actor.
Polish people were very kind and polite. They dressed well and my friends and I had a lot of fun with them.  French people were the opposite. They were very rude, they were always arguing with somebody. A friend of mine had a very special girl in her house; my French teacher called to her house to ask how things were going.
We made lots of activities with them. In the morning we had to go to high school and the exchange group was doing things too, but they were doing their activities with their own teachers.  One day they visit Zaragoza, but my friends and I couldn’t go, because we had to study for PAU exams; but we went with the exchange group to visit Madrid. We saw Prado museum and after that we had a tour round Madrid. Everything was very quick, because we only had one day to see all Madrid (obviously we couldn’t see it).  
The last day Polish people stay (the other group arrived to France before) we went with them to a bar and we showed them the typical Spanish food. I have to say that they didn’t like it very much. I and my best friend stayed near Polish people, and we ate that night a lot, because they didn’t eat very much.
That week was special for me, because I learned a bit more about another country and another culture (I learned to say some words in Polish). Now I have some good friends and I can’t wait to see them again.

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010


Today I’m going to talk about concerts. People get always crazy when they saw they’re favorite group or singer. In all the shows I have been is always the same: long lines to have the best place, everybody is pushing, excitement for seeing the artist…
The first concert I have gone was Natalia’s concert. Natalia came to Illueca, the village where I live. I can not say I like how she sings, but I was little, I went with all my friends and I had a really good time. The following year I have seen Pignoise, because they came to Illueca too. Pignoise is another group I don’t like, but anyway I went to the concert…The last group I saw in Illueca was Despistaos, I don’t like this music neither, but I was just to have some fun with my friends.
My first important concert was El Canto del Loco concert in Zaragoza. I remember that day rained a lot; we had to wait a lot until we could get into the pavilion.  I remember there were girls having fainting…
My second concert was El Canto del Loco concert once again, but this time we were waiting the group and when the car with the group arrived, the singer greets us. My best friend cried a lot (I have to say that we were younger and we loved El Canto del loco). I have seen this group two times, and now I don’t even like they’re music.
Another concert I went was Pereza concert.  Two friends of mine were supposed to go to the concert, but one of them got ill and I went instead of her to Pereza concert. I had a lot of fun to that concert.
The last concert I went was Two Door Cinema Club concert. I saw them in my trip to Barcelona. We went to Razzmatazz, which is a very big club in Barcelona, and we saw Two Door Cinema Club playing. I didn’t know this group and I went to the concert without knowing any song of them, but I have to say that I had a lot of fun.
The concert begun at 2 AM and lasted an hour.  People got crazy, I had never seen something like that, but it was great. Two Door Cinema Club are an alternative, indie rock band formed in 2007.
I like going to concerts very much; I have always had a lot of fun and I hope soon will go to music festivals, because a lot of people told me that is very amusing.

miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

University Life

University Life
This year I have started my first year at university and I want to talk about this.
Last year I was very worried about everything (it was a very stressful year for me). I had to study a lot: the first quarter I have failed a subject (and I have never failed a subject) and I was very worried about my PAU notes. That’s why I’ve studied a lot, I didn’t go out with my friends( I only went out for my friends birthday); When I finally had my PAU exams I realized that it wasn’t so difficult and I had quite acceptable marks  and I achieved   to get into university.
In September I moved here. My first day at the residence was very strange. I had to organize my room, because the following day I was supposed to begin university.   At night I had dinner with my friend (because she is living in the same residence with me) and I prepared myself for the next day. On Monday I didn’t know where should I go, and furthermore there were some classroom problems so I get crazy. Finally I found my class and I met some of my classmates (some of them were living in the same residence as me). Slowly we were meeting each other and know I get on very well with the people from the class, and of course, I get on well with the people from the residence. I have more confidence with the people from the residence because I live with them 24 hours at day.
The third week living at the residence veterans prepared to beginners hazing. First we were a bit worried about what veterans would do to us, but I have to recognize that I had a lot of fun and thank hazing I met even more people.
Coming at university had a lot of good things. For example: I’m from Zaragoza so I have to stay here almost all the time and that make me be independent. I don’t have my mother to cook me or to wash my clothes, so from the beginning I had to learn to do all this things. I have to clean my room (but this is a thing I always had to do at home too) and I had to worry about food, cleaning products… This is a thing I really appreciate, because I became more aware about how to live alone, I became more responsible and I understand my mother better.
Of course there are some bad things, and the bad thing is the money. I have learned to appreciate this more. I had to learn to manage the money, because I had to buy a lot of things (food, books…) and sometimes I bought some things I didn’t really need(  I have to recognize that the things I bought were clothes) and then  I had less money for the things I really need. But in general I think I manage the money very well and I learned to prepare some real good food so I’m very proud of myself.
I like university life because I have my own independence and I learn how to defend myself in real life.